



Items that have come to our collection that do not quite fit categorization. They may find a home collection in the future, but for now will be housed here and searchable by Tags.


Kelly Enright

Collection Items

Tourist attraction brochure in anaglyph 3D.
The front pictures an open-mouthed alligator head and an image of the front of the farm, on a black…

A sepia photo of an alligator enclosure and club members. An alligator lays on a sandy bank in the foreground, facing a pond with alligators in it.…

Not only is Richard’s music representative of the songs and type of music that would have been played in West Augustine’s hang out spots, like the…

Ray Charles, born in 1930 to an exceptionally poor family, moved to St. Augustine at age 7 after losing his sight, in order to attend the Florida…

Located in Palatka, this mural celebrates the music of the Syncopators.

Beach-goers assembled for a group portrait by the bath house at Butler Beach - Anastasia Island, Florida.

545 West King Street, the former home of the Peppermint Lounge.

Red and white sign for Broudy's Liquor store, stating est. 1917

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