
Forgotten Heritage: Preliminary Information


This online exhibit illustrates the once active Pan American Center that existed in St. Augustine, FL from 1965-1978.


 The goal of this exhibit is to educate the viewer of the lost heritage of the Pan American Center in St. Augustine, Florida so that they understand the intentions of a previous generation, connecting to a cultural heritage that has been overlooked for quite some time. This project was research, written, and created by Ellen P. Fogel to fulfill the requirements of Public History Practicum.

Throughout your virtual visit, let the words of one of the lead tour guides from the 1970s guide you throughout your browsing, just watch out for italicized text on the pages. 

Before continuing, you will find a pamphlet that was given to people around the nation in 1964, explaining to them what a Pan American Center was, and why on Earth one was going to be built in St. Augustine, take a look: