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  • Tags: covid19

- Best man and brother of the groom Patrick Wolf and his date Emilee Fournier.jpg
Jon Wolf and Brittany Schell had their wedding on Febuary 25th at Alpine Grove state park in Switzerland Florida.

One of many used gloves in the parking lot of a grocery store in the early days of the pandemic.

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I work at a grocery store and am required to wear a facemask and gloves for my 8 hour shifts. I am only allowed this one disposable mask, which I have been using for two weeks.

The blue tape on the floor encourages people to social distance and remain 6 feet part. A plastic border separates the cashier from the customer.

Cornonavirus has led many people to quarantine. In that time people have found new levels of boredom and hopefully entertainment. Snapchat opened up opportunities to make light of the situation with some quarantine bingo filters so you could share…

These two images were taken when my sister and I went to an abandoned train tunnel and explored it. Being stuck in quarantine has brought us back together and outside yearning to explore new places.

Ever since this Covid-19 breakout and call for quarantine, I have seen nothing but quarantine posts take over social media. From memes to viral videos to random photos at home, you can scroll through social media for more than two minutes without…

As America has now become the epicenter for the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, government response directed by the Trump Administration has been slow, contrarian and inefficient. While this has largely been the reason that we have become the…

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As long as im living my Mommy youll be .jpg
Depicts someone who passed away as well as religion.
The photo shows blue flowers in the background. On the table, an urn is shown with an angelic figure on top pointing to a necklace on the right-hand side that says mom in a heart with a red…
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